


It’s your wedding ceremony!
Make it what you want it to be



A wedding ceremony is a truly individual event. No two weddings are the same and nor should they be. The ceremony should be a close reflection of you as a couple. It should capture the essence of the couple that you are. I will work with you to capture that essence and reproduce it in your ceremony.

There are so many types of wedding ceremonies, to many to mention, but here are a few:

  • The traditional wedding.
  • The Medieval wedding
  • The beach wedding.
  • The way out there wedding
  • The simple or short wedding.

Gone are the days of the “cookie cutter” wedding service. You now have the choice of various types of ceremonies that can be incorporated in your wedding. Here are a few to pique your interest.

  • Sand ceremony – very popular.
  • Rose ceremony
  • Ring Warming ceremony – well suited for
    small intimate weddings
  • Candle lighting ceremony

And there are many more. I am well versed in the various types of ceremonies and will be able to discuss them with you at out initial consultation.


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