

To be married in Australia there are a few legal requirements that must be adhered to.

The notice of intended marriage also known as the NOIM. This document must be completed
and lodged with your marriage celebrant not less than one calendar month and a day ahead of
the date of the ceremony and no more than eighteen months ahead. When completing the NOIM
it is necessary to produce the birth certificates for both the bride and the groom. Depending on the circumstances, other documentation that may be required. If you have been previously married, please discuss this with your celebrant prior to completing the NOIM.

A copy of the notice of intended marriage can be downloaded here or you marriage celebrant
will have copies.

The form 14. This document forms part of the Certificate of Marriage. It must be completed
prior to the marriage ceremony. This form is generally completed at the rehearsal so that the
details entered on the form are as current as possible.

During the ceremony the celebrant must recite the celebrant authority otherwise known
as the monitum.

During the ceremony both parties must say to the other, in the presence of the authorised celebrant and the witnesses the following words.
“I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, A.B. (or C.D.), take thee, C.D. (or A.B.),
to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband)”.

The Bride & Groom, the authorised celebrant and two witnesses must sign the three copies of the Certificate of Marriage.
Both the witnesses must have attained the age of 18.

If you have any other questions regarding the legal aspect of your marriage ceremony,
please feel free to ask your celebrant at your initial consultation.


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